Friday, June 05, 2009

Feed Redirection

I added a new friend on the blogroll of my personal blog, but for some reason her feed is redirecting me to another site. Betchay of The Open Book Of My Life was the one I am talking about. If you have added her too, you know by now that whenever her blog gives you a feed, you are redirected to a page about para sailing.

At first I thought her account was hacked or to that effect. Then I started looking around and discovered that she is using feed burner for her feeds. I researched some more and I think the problem was it's either she gave a wrong address on feed burner or she gave a wrong feed address on blogger.

If you still can't understand what feed I am talking about CLICK HERE


  1. I had that when I change my URL. But, IZEA fixed it for me.

  2. hmm, maybe her give you wrong feed or spelling error..

    It's is hard to commend on your blog because in the list profile there is no for guess option, I'm very lazy to log in into my google account but today you are lucky.. hehe

    Improve your comment count by add guest option that allow commentator leave thier web address


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