Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Entrecard is another site to help you increase your traffic. What makes this site different from other traffic sites is you earn as your traffic boost.

I first heard about Entrecard from Kaye. She posted something like entrecard droppers and I was alien to it. I search on the net what is entrecard and came to their site. I enrolled and let my account gather some dust. I did not know what to do at first. To tell you honestly, it never worked for me at first. Actually the site is very easy and is idiot proof but I don't have a 125x125 button then so I let it sit for a while. As soon as I'm done making my button for my personal blog, I activate my account on entrecard. For some reason, my button did notappear as it should be. I have a week figuring out entrecard and another week trying hard not to give up. On the third week, I gave in and let it sit again.

I like blog hopping, looking around and reading blogs that I find interesting. I noticed that a lot of blogs I visited were using entrecard. So again, I brave the site and log in. I finally came up with a solution, I edit my account and submitted another site and then just link my main blog. I waited until the blog was approve and the rest is history, er, kinda.

That is the good thing about Entrecard, they accommodate more than one blog per account. As of now, I have 3 blogs listed on them and switched from time to time.

How does it really work? How can you earn through it?

As you join in the site and listed your blog, you will be ask to place a code in your blog. See the one on my side bar that says a site to see? Yes the one which says E DROP, that one. That's the widget you have to add, which they provide. Just add another html gadget on your site and add the code you can get from Entrecard. Make a title that you think will attract people to click on the button displayed.

When the gadget is already placed in your site, people who are also using entrecard will click on the drop button. Every drop gives you cash, EC cash. EC cash is not your typical money but it can buy you a lot of ads in the EC world. You can buy an ad space on other entrecard user's widgets by the use of your EC cash. There are other ways to earn EC cash. You can earn if you drop cards on other users. Just as you go blog hopping and found some site with an EC widget, don't hesitate to click on the drop button.

So how it can affect your traffic (in a good way of course)?
In every site you drop a card, it is recorded in their inbox, that you drop a card to their widget. Most likely than not, people will reciprocate your drop. Another way is to use your EC cash and buy ads space on other users.

Lastly, having an entrecard account is a must (kinda) on the blogosphere.. why? most bloggers who run contests includes EC cash as their giveaway. How can you claim EC cash if you don't have an EC account? So go now, create one.. and I will give you a tip on how to maximize it.

1 comment:

  1. oi ganda ng market mo dear!!! congrats! tiba tiba ka sa adsense nito for sure.. balato ha!! :)



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